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 Heribert Konzett Award

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The Heribert Konzett Award is awarded annually by the Austrian Pharmacological Society (APHAR) In order to honour outstanding achievements of young scientists who are already conducting independent research in the field of experimental and clinical pharmacology as well as clinical pharmacology and to support their further career.

The award shall be given to scientists who at the deadline for submission have not yet reached the age of 40. The prize is awarded to individuals who have published their research in generally recognised scientific publication media and who perform their research independently by successfully applying for third-party funds. Applicants must be a member of APHAR.

The award sum is 3,000 Euros and is generously provided by AstraZeneca Austria GmbH. The Heribert Konzett Award cannot be shared.

Statutes of the Heribert Konzett Award.
Call 2024

Deadline: 5 July 2024

← Call document (click on icon)

Further information:

For further information please contact the Secretary General.

Recipient 2023:
  • Nadine ORTNER
    Section of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department of Pharmacy, University of Innsbruck

    → (PubMed) (Externer Link)

Recipients 2022:
(double call for 2021 and 2022)
  • Eva Maria KÖNIG
    St. Anna Children's Cancer Research Institute, Vienna

    Department of Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna

    → (PubMed) (Externer Link)

Award 2020:
No award was given in 2020 because of the postponement of the 26th Scientific Symposium of APHAR from 2020 to 2022 due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Recipient 2019:
  • Julia KARGL
    Chair of Pharmacology, Otto Loewi Research Centre
    of the Medical University of Graz

    → (PubMed) (Externer Link)

Recipient 2018:
    Depatment of Pharmacology and Toxicology
    of the University of Veterinary Medicine of Vienna

    → (PubMed) (Externer Link)

Recipient 2017:
  • Stefan KUBICEK
    Research Center for Molekular Medicine
    of the Austrian Academy of Scienes

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2016:
  • Eduard STEFAN
    Department of Biochemistry
    of the University of Innsbruck

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2015:
  • Eva STURM
    Department of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology
    of the Medical University of Graz

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2014:
    Sektion für Biologische Chemie
    der Medizinischen Universität Innsbruck

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2013:
  • Christian W. GRUBER
    Zentrum für Physiologie und Pharmakologie
    der Medizinischen Universität Wien

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2012:
    Univ.-Klinik für Klinische Pharmakologie
    der Medizinischen Universität Wien

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2011:
  • Christoph ÖSTERREICHER
    Institut für Pharmakologie
    der Medizinischen Universität Wien

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2010:
    Institut für Pharmakologie
    der Medizinischen Universität Wien

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2009:
  • Alexandra KOSCHAK
    Abteilung für Pharmakologie und Toxikologie, Institut für Pharmazie
    der Universität Innsbruck

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2008:
  • Maria WALDHOER
    Institut für Experimentelle und Klinische Pharmakologie
    der Medizinischen Universität Graz

    → (PubMed) (external link)

Recipient 2007:

